Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wyview Park.

So many memories flooded my mind tonight while i was driving through Wyview, my old apartments. I lived there for a whole year. Fall, winter, spring, summer. And then I became not a young freshman anymore so i felt obligated to move out. I met a lot of people. I made a lot of friends. I wish i still lived there sometimes. It was so fun and i feel like almost carefree. Everyone was new to being on their own and adjusting together. Here are some random memories i thought of tonight:

  • Meeting Zach and Chris at a ward activity the first sunday behind the creamery. We didn't want to play the stupid game they were playing so we talked instead. Then they invited Sharon and I over to play sorry. Not soon after it was just me and Zach. Awkward a bit. Who would have known I was about to spend every day with him.
  • During the summer I loved the rain. Lucia, Celeste and I would run out and dance and sing (or scream) in the rain. It was SO much fun. A guy from our ward actually videoed us once to put us in the ward talent show movie. haha embarrassing. 
  • For FHE during the summer one time we had a scavenger hunt/ service activity thing. My family was so serious about it. Haha you would have thought we were gonna win a million dollars!
  • Zach and Chris wanted to rent a movie and i refused to watch it with them so they rented it from itunes. It took 3 whole days to download. hahaha and then you only have it for like 24 hours before it disappears.
  • Travis and I were on a walk around wyview and come to find out my roomies, Celeste and Lucia, were following us hiding in bushes and running through sprinklers. haha i had NO idea. until i came in and saw the evidence. Celeste fell and cut her foot... serves her right. haha
  • While walking to the bus one morning I showed Christopher and Sharon my "Jill Schofield" fast walk. get down and low. haha. (listen that thing is genius. People down here have learned not to mess with me while i speed walk.) Anyways, Chris told me I should go to the Olympics for it. Later that day on campus i was on the phone with zach telling him the story and right as i said "Christopher told me I should.." Christopher popped out of NOWHERE and over my shoulder said "I said what?" ha ha he scared the crap out of me, it was so funny. 
  • Always staring out the window at the basketball court and yelling cat calls... shirts and skins baby! haha and always getting caught by my roommates cause i would get black nasty stuff on my nose from the screen haha "Melanie.... have you been spying on the boys again?!"
  • Zach's roommate David. He is so tender. But he was so funny about curfew. He would literally start reminding us hours in advance. "Just so you guys know, only 1.5 hours til its 12."... " oh hey look, 25 minutes to 12" ha ha it was a riot.
  • Angela. oh Angela. This is my roommate, some of you may refer to her as pioneer or Morticha. She has hair down to her butt, and is very molly mormon. Anyways, she was dating this kid and they were so awkward. They would hug for a ridiculous amount of time out on the front porch. Like literally they would just be in an embrace and wouldn't move. 2 of my favorite moments. 1. Zach would ALWAYS spy on them through the peephole. Even if we were watching a movie he would go stand by the door and just watch. and 2. classic moment. My roommate Hannah was about to be engaged so she was taking us to the mall to see her ring. We walked out and they were standing there hugging.. well that was awkward but we just said hi and walked by. Well after the trip to the mall and everything literally 45-50 minutes later, we pulled in and they were STILL there!! they had not moved. Still hugging away. ha ha classic. 
  • Watching Christopher watch Brian Regan for the first time.. "P is for pneumonia" probably our favorite line. I've never seen anyone laugh so hard.
  • Christopher demolished a bag of popcorn. Like literally started it on fire in the microwave. It gets better. In order to air out our apartment he took the microwave out into the stairwell.. and in the process broke one of Jen's bowls. ooops.. we don't like Jen. ha and the microwave sat outside for quite some time. 
  • Girls Preference 2010. Sharon and I asked 2 boys from our FHE family. They are the best! I wish i had pictures of that night but i don't. 1. I got caught while asking... oops. 2. They answered with a nasty concoction that was awful and .. there was no answer inside. 3. we spray painted our hair blue (thing one and thing two). 4. I gave my date, Logan, a huge goose-egg on his forehead cause we had an unfortunate collision. fun, fun night.
  • Driving Lucia's car. Gabe Bondoc.
  • My roommate's boyfriend coming to building meeting and our RA got TICKED at him for talking.. ha ha funniest moment ever. Thank you Bruce.
That is all i can think of for now, but man I had a lot of good times. I miss it. I miss the people. But glad they are all on missions now. Sorry if you didn't want to hear any of that. It is probably boring to you. But it is so much easier to type than to write in my journal... and it's my blog, not yours :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

my life is complete.

I met the love of my life. Finally.

Christopher Michael Collinsworth.
how can you not love him?

He is on the byu basketball team, he just got back from his mission in Australia (where he was stabbed) and playing with his little brother kyle. Unfortunately he had to have knee surgery and medical red-shirt the season, but hopefully him and Kyle will get to play again after Kyle gets home from his mission.

I made this poster and held it up when he walked through the tunnel. He looked right at it, read it, and smiled. Walked my direction (only cause his family sits on the front row of my section), kept glancing up at it, went and talked to his mom, while i was still jumping up and down holding it up and he kept looking at it... then finally i got the nerve... with much help from Parker... maybe a little bit of pushing went on, but it was worth it! I folded up my poster and booked it down the 7 stairs in between us.

Here's our conversation:

Me:"Chris?............. CHRIS!"
(he turns around)
Me:"Can I get a picture with you??"
Me:"Oooh thank you!"
Chris:"That's a nice poster you got there!"
........(posing for the picture).................................
then i start getting antsy cause it is getting awkward cause it is taking FOREVER...
Me:"Parker! Hurry!!"
Parker:"Melanie, it's recording, fix it!!"
Chris: "Even better!"
....picture taken...
Me:"Thanks Chris, You're the best!"
Chris: "no problem"

Then i returned to my seat jumping up and down, happy as a lark.

I also was apart of a flash mob. Check that off my bucket list! It was awesome!! the energy inside the MC was amazing. I seriously jumped up and down and screamed for like 5 minutes straight after the dance got done! It was SO loud. Enjoy:

 That day could not have been any better.  The game was amazing. every part of it. and then i got to go to the temple with my family and celebrate mommy's birthday. good, good day!