Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Real King James

How fitting the name is. Who would have known. So many posters had his future written all over them.


You now own my heart and soul. I will learn of you, study you, follow you, cheer for you, and represent you. I see this jersey with FREDETTE in my near future.

Please don't let me down. Please have a decent season. And please, most of all, be good to my Jimmer.


Your new fan Melanie

Oh my landlords.

The freaking NBA draft is in less than 17 hours.


That's all.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I just made some pretty drastic changes to my school schedule for fall.......

14 credits of PURE science

Helloooooooooooooooooo Pharmacy School
(if i survive)


I LOVE lazy productive days.

How may those two words be in the same sentence you ask? i will tell you.

Today is a free day. These are few and far between for me ever since i started working full time.

I slept in knowing I had the whole day to do whatever i wanted. no where to be. no one to see. (Parker if you read this.... you never told me where your tournament was. NOT MY FAULT!)

Anyways, I rolled out of bed and played catch up for the past basically 3 weeks.

 I got all of my laundry done, went tanning, went to the gym, went to the temple and did baptisms, cleaned my room, cleaned out my car, went to the bank, picked out and practiced the songs for sacrament meeting tomorrow, wrote back to the letters that have been sitting on my desk the past few weeks, and showered and got ready.

Productive right? but all at the same time it was such a nice lazy day cause I had no time restraints. Plus I slept in. AND... now i have nothing else to do. So i'm going to catch up on all of my SYTYCD episodes i've missed.

Ta ta for now!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

As of late..

Not much is going on in life. ... just work. thats all. But here's a little bit of some other things going on....

  • Great Grandma Buck, age 100, passed away. Here's the kiddies at the funeral/grave sight..

  • Watched my little dancer finish her dancing career.. FOR NOW i always say. Maybe she will hate cheering and remember how good she is at dancing. love you morg porg!

  • I've been missing this ride.... Tower of Terror

  • I've been playing with these friends.. including fhe, smore roasting, and legit mini golfing in the dark.... aka pitch black cause they turned the lights off on us

  • Enjoying some sunlight and a beautiful, green, utah valley 

  • Lots of game nights with my frenns: Alex, Parker, Doug, Ashley, Leah, Ashley. Movie night tonight!! yeah boii  (sorry no pics)

  • Watching my bro play some b-ball at his camp down in Orem.

  • Getting ready for some of these peeps next friday night with my Brinz... mmmhmmm.

  • And I have recently realized how many huge decisions I have to make... real soon! Mission papers in September? we'll see....
peace and love from provo

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I've always loved hearing other people play the piano, but haven't always enjoyed playing it myself.

My mother basically forced me to play the piano until i graduated high school. It was basically torture till i got into about 9th grade. I was always a bad practicer. Now i'm starting to regret that.

I've never considered playing the piano one of my talents. But when I can't think of any talents that I have  I use it as a back-up.

Ever since I moved out to school I have realized how much i took a piano for granted. I play it every single time i go home. Last week I told my family the first big thing me and my future hubby will buy is a baby grand. A girl can dream, right?

Well last september I was called to be on the music committee as a piano player. YIKES! I basically hadn't played the piano in a year and when i played, hymns weren't usually my focus. I could maybe play like 5 hymns without practice at this point. I cried. I hated it. I hated the girl that was "in charge" of me. She was mean.

I decided to suck it up, take it with a grain of salt and move forward. I figured Singles Ward callings don't last very long, maybe a semester at the most and so i'd be done before i knew it.

Well here I am, 3 semesters later still going strong. In fact, I had an interview 3 weeks ago and I thought i would be getting a new calling... oh i was right. Now I am the Music Co-Chair. Meaning that I am now the girl "in charge" however we don't have anyone to play the piano so i still play.

During the interview the bishopbric member sat me down and said "I want you to know that we have prayed about this multiple times and we feel very inspired to call you to this position"

I guess I didn't learn enough from my last calling and this is like a jab in the side.... I guess playing the piano is something i'm supposed to expound on. I guess it is a talent my Heavenly Father wants me to pursue.

Sundays that I play are usually really stressful for me and I don't really enjoy sacrament meeting cause i am always stressing over the closing hymn. I definitely don't play perfect. I mess up a lot. But I've been able to accept it. I now just smile whenever I goof instead of wanting to cry when i first started. So i have a different take on the music now, but today a girl from my ward came up to me and said "Thanks so much for playing the piano. You always bring the spirit into our meetings." That was interesting for me cause while I am fumbling around the keys and counting in my head and frantically trying to stay with the conductor, the last thing i am thinking about is that i am bringing the spirit into the meetings.

The blessings have been very eminent. I've put forth a lot of effort practicing over the past few months and my ability to play has increased so much! I'm able to sight read a thousand times better. AND... last week while practicing to accompany the choir i realized that i LOVE playing. I love the music that i'm able to create. I love the end result of a lot of practice. I love the ability that i have to read music and share my TALENT with others.

So mom, thanks for keeping me in lessons no matter how much i complained, the sacrifices to get me to lessons, and all of the recitals that you supported. I can honestly say I am so grateful for it.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Alo' my peeps!

Long time no speak. But no worries I am back in business. First things first, I am alive. I survived a week long road trip to cali and my car is still in one piece! Quick run-down of the trip goes like this:

Friday night: Get out of work to find my car dead. Awesome. Get lost in Springville trying to find a freeway entrance cause the one in provo was wayyy backed up. Finally get on the road to St. Geezy. Arrive around 2 AM.

Saturday: Hit the road to Cali. Long, long drive. Finally arrive in Costa Mesa, CA. Get settled into our hotel. Drive around for an hour trying to find parking spots at the beach. Finally get one and find out we have to pay the parking meter. no quarters. awesome. finally we found a neighborhood and walked down a cute little side walk and down a pier and my personal favorite onto the sand to be chased by some waves. I've never been happier.
Too bad you can't see the ocean behind us.

Sunday: We woke up early and got ready in hopes of going to church. We got lost and couldn't find the church so we decided to be as spiritual as possible and go walk around the Newport Temple. Luckily when we pulled in we found this cute little church and walked on in only 15 minutes late.

Then we headed up to LA. We stopped in hollywood and joined in all the madness and then went to see the temple. We ended the night by meeting up with one of my old roommates, Lucia, who lives in LA for dinner and then went out to the famous Santa Monica Pier.
 Hollywood sign
 Getting ready for the Kung Fu Panda 2 premiere

 Great quality pic of santa monica pier
 Rolling out the red carpet
Lucia and I walking..
Monday: We headed down to San Diego and made a stop at the San Juan Capistrano Mission. My coworker mentioned this place to me and i thought it sounded pretty cool. I enjoyed it. It is like Alcatraz with the headset tour. One of 16 in california where the spanish settled when they first got to Cali.

 Then we went to visit the San Diego Temple. One of my favorites. I'm tempted to get married here. Sorry mom and dad :) -Since it was monday the temple was closed so we had to stand behind the fence to get pics. Sad day.

Then we hit up a good 'ol church history tour about the Mormon Battalion. Learned a lot actually.

 Then we hooked up with our friend Jenna at Hodad's for din din.

Please excuse the ghetto background. It was a last resort self timer.

Tuesday: The day of my love. Disneyland. For those that know me, you know I am a disneyland die-hard. I couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity. lines were short, temperature was perfect. nuff said.

Had to hit up my favorite Aladdin show :)

Wednesday: beach. ocean. salt water. waves. swimming. sand. sun burn. Lucia came up and watched movies with us. 

Thursday: drive. drive. drive. drive. drive. home at last.

Quite eventful if i say so myself. It was so nice to get away and have time off work and have no stress. well besides keeping us alive. Farewell California, I'll see you soon.