Wednesday, June 15, 2011

As of late..

Not much is going on in life. ... just work. thats all. But here's a little bit of some other things going on....

  • Great Grandma Buck, age 100, passed away. Here's the kiddies at the funeral/grave sight..

  • Watched my little dancer finish her dancing career.. FOR NOW i always say. Maybe she will hate cheering and remember how good she is at dancing. love you morg porg!

  • I've been missing this ride.... Tower of Terror

  • I've been playing with these friends.. including fhe, smore roasting, and legit mini golfing in the dark.... aka pitch black cause they turned the lights off on us

  • Enjoying some sunlight and a beautiful, green, utah valley 

  • Lots of game nights with my frenns: Alex, Parker, Doug, Ashley, Leah, Ashley. Movie night tonight!! yeah boii  (sorry no pics)

  • Watching my bro play some b-ball at his camp down in Orem.

  • Getting ready for some of these peeps next friday night with my Brinz... mmmhmmm.

  • And I have recently realized how many huge decisions I have to make... real soon! Mission papers in September? we'll see....
peace and love from provo

1 comment:

  1. MISSION?!?!!??! dsfafifoLFIEYUHF WHAT?? I need to catch up with you girl!!
