Monday, March 26, 2012

My life be like...

Oh hey.

In 3 weeks I will basically be done with finals. Jealous? Yeah and then 5 days later I get to start another semester of school. Bet you are really jealous now.

My life is boring. Just finishing up with school. I've got two more midterms and a video project to finish in the next week. Then finals. Bring it on. I'm so excited to be done with these classes.

I also want to move home. At least for the summer.  But I have classes I have to take. But I only have class on tuesdays and thursdays so I could totally commute... But that means losing my job. Which as much as I would like to have a break during the summer, I just can't do that. Then I would be forever jobless. Which I would be perfectly fine with.... But my daddy wouldn't be.

So I guess I'm stuck here... Oh well! I have lots of friends that are coming down here for the summer so it should be fun! Ok.. only like 4 friends haha but that is more than I have right now.

I'm going to make me a summer bucket list so I have some things to look forward to.

I was just planning out my April and I think that I am going to be home every single weekend for the month. I'm so busy with things back home. Like Easter, a homecoming, a doctors appointment, and my cousins farewell.. I can take that schedule to my Bishop and ask to be released right?! ha ha my poor co-chair. He already hates me enough for not being there.... oops.

So the orem Target is in the middle of a huge remodel. Like a 5 month process remodel. It looks awesome so far! But wanna know why I'm really excited?--------------------> NEW PHARMACY. Brand new. All mine. Oh it will be so nice! I honestly can't wait. And lucky for us we are currently in a plywood box for the next six weeks. But seriously, the temporary place we are in is a joke. But I keep telling myself it will all be worth it.

Gotta go watch some Psych now. Bye.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Tomorrow I only have one class.

Tomorrow I don't have to work.

Tomorrow is payday.

Tomorrow I get to see my family.

But most importantly.....

Tomorrow I get to see Hunger Games before everyone else!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tag--You're it!

I've been tagged by my dear friend Randee to do a little blog game if you will.. It is all about the number 11. Why the number 11? I have no clue. But why not the number 11? I hope you'll enjoy as I play along.

1. Post these rules
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post
4. Create 11 new questions and tag 11 people to answer them
5. Go to their blog/facebook/twitter and let them know you have tagged them.

hi. here i am right now.
  1. I just recently started watching Psych and I'm hooked. I've been watching for a month now and I'm on season 3.
  2. I hate odd numbers. Like I really have a problem with them. Like the number 11. But my least favorite numbers are 13 and 17. They are so ugly to me. I don't know why and I can't explain it. But I can promise you I will be getting married on an even day.
  3. I have problems sleeping. I'll go to bed at a decent time but that means I stare at the ceiling and toss and turn for the next 3 hours.
  4. I have a weird obsession with crossing things out. Like when I make a to-do list I like to write things on there that I have already accomplished just so I can cross them off and feel productive.
  5. The $5 movie section at Target not just speaks to me, it sings to me.
  6. I set my alarm 15 minutes early so I can push snooze three times
  7. One day (real soon) I wanna be so rich that I never have to work a day again in my life.
  8. With that being said... I don't want to apply for Pharmacy school for fear of rejection
  9. My consumption of Diet Coke correlates very strongly with the amount of hours I work.
  10. I'm going through a phase where sometimes (maybe all the time) I check my phone every other minute for a text...
  11. I wish I had more time to play the piano for myself and not for my calling
Randee's Questions and my answers

1. What is your fondest memory as a child?
This is kind of random but the Balloon Festival in Eden. When I was younger the Balloon Festival was a huge deal. It has since become very ghetto and lame and they charge you to get in and no one goes. When I was young, it was the place to be. I remember my grandpa would take me and my cousins every year when I was really young. Then as I grew older I would go with friends. Booths galore. Hot air balloons galore. Happiness everywhere... I wish I could go back.
2. If you were a color, what color would you be and why?
I would probably have to say a blueish color. Maybe like a teal. One because it is my favorite color, but also because I like to think of myself as a calm-ish person. I'm not a vibrant yellow or red but i'm not some dreary brown or black. I would put myself right in the middle. Kind of bright, but pretty laid back.

3. Do you choose trendy or classic or both and why?
I would have to say both. I'm probably more trendy when it comes to media such as music, movies, books, etc. But then more classic I guess when it comes to my style. I'm not very trendy when it comes to clothes unfortunately.

4. What is your most embarrassing moment?
hmmm. I have a lot of embarrassing moments unfortunately. I'm a very awkward, clumsy person that has all sorts of issues... But the one that I am think of right now was from high school. The first day of high school in fact. I was walking from the lunch room down to the commons with Courtney Burrows and Justin Pack. I get to the stairs and biff it all the way down and land at the bottom on my back. I am just laying there laughing and Courtney and Justin just kept walking pretending they didn't know me. I got up and looked around and everyone was staring at me. Hello newbie sophomore, welcome to Weber.

5. What do you love about yourself?
I love to laugh. I laugh a lot. I am very easily entertained and I laugh at myself and others almost always, which makes me happy.

6. What is the best book or books you've ever read?
I'm not really a book reader sadly. But in high school we read Count of Monte Cristo and it was fabulous. Also I'm just reading Harry Potter for the first time and they are magical as well.

7. What is number one on your bucket list?
I'd like to say traveling to some foreign country or cliff jumping in some exotic place... But I'll be honest. Definitely number one is to go to a Justin Bieber concert... Bieber Fever.

8. What is one of your weird quirks?
I'm full of them. I'm sure. But it's who I am.. so they aren't really weird to me. Maybe it's how I push the clear button on the microwave every time I walk past. Or how I lock my car twice and then check my door to make sure it is locked. Or maybe how I am OCD about my calendar and I change it at weird times, like in the middle of the month. So I have a rolling calendar haha

9. Name 3 moments in history you wish you could've witnessed.
This may sound wrong, but 9/11. I was in Lake Powell during 9/11 and didn't know about it for a week after it happened. Even then I was only 10. Now being the age that I am I think it would have been a really special experience, probably really traumatic, but sentimental nonetheless to be in NYC and experience that. Next I would have to say the Grand Opening of Disneyland. When Walt Disney was alive. I'm a disney die-hard. And I can't lie... Beijing Olympics 2008 when Michael Phelps won his 8 gold medals.. Watching on tv just didn't do it justice.

10. If you could do or be anything you wanted, what would you do/be?
If I could do or be anything I would like to be a professional roller coaster rider. Sounds like the life to me. Just travel from amusement park to park and try every roller coaster day after day. I gotta do it now while I am young before I grow old and get headaches doing such things.

11. What is your lucky number and why?
Ironically my lucky number is odd... It is the number 3. Well.. It was when I was younger when I cared about having a lucky number. I would pick that number for everything I did. Now if I had to choose I would probably say 6. Because my birthday is on the 6th. And it is even.

My Questions for YOU to answer

1. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
2. If you didn't have to be a responsible adult and work and worry about money, what would you do with your time?
3. If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be and why?
4. What do you crave most?
5. What is the most daring/brave/adventurous thing you've ever done?
6. What is one of your guilty pleasures?
7. Silver or Gold?
8.What is your favorite movie?
9. If you could relive any year of your life, which one would it be and why?
10. Who is someone that inspires you?
11. What is your favorite time of day (Yes, I want an exact time) and why?

My Taggies (don't act like you are too cool)

1. Rachel Shaw-Rachy
3. Mom..haha-Milestones
4. Kaylen Walton-A World of Spice
5. Carly Barker-Carly Paige`
6. Cassie Heaton-The Heatons
7. Jenna Black-jenna b.
9. Anna Larson-Brian and Anna
10. Mitzi Furnell-The Furnell Family Examiner
11. Brandee Burke-The Burkes

Sunday, March 18, 2012


There is no sun today.... Hence the reason that word doesn't deserve to be capitalized.

Today in Sunday School we watched this BYU devotional. I know it is pretty lengthy, but I loved it so much. Maybe it is because of how well I relate with the piano practicing analogy haha, but it perfectly yet simply defines grace and how we can use it and the Atonement and how we are benefited. PLEASE save 30 minutes to watch this.. I promise you won't regret it.

BYU devotional-Brad Wilcox

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mommy's 44

Alright I'm almost two weeks late but my mom's birthday was last tuesday and she turned a whopping 44. Here are 44 things you may or may not know about my mother...
  1. Her maiden name is Buck
  2. She is the 2nd of 7 kids
  3. She grew up on a farm
  4. Her knees dislocate like mine
  5. She danced and cheered growing up
  6. She likes to talk a lot
  7. She is a great friend
  8. She is where I get my reality tv addiction from
  9. She loves KFC and I had enough growing up to last me a lifetime. Hence why I will never eat there again.
  10. She's a fashionista~~thank goodness for morgan being a girly girl cause she's had to deal with me as a tom boy (hoodies and jeans for life!!)
  11. She knows the most random trivia facts
  12. She taught me the importance of service
  13. She has a strong testimony
  14. She doesn't like ice cream
  15. She worked at Dairy Queen growing up
  16. She loves to quilt
  17. She loves Gilbert as much if not more than her children
  18. She has bad eye sight
  19. She always wants the best for us kids
  20. She's had her share of being Cheer/Dance mom
  21. She made me stay in piano until I graduated no matter what I wanted--thank you
  22. She's always thinking of others
  23. She is a clean freak
  24. She taught me to pray always
  25. She's the primary chorister & kicks butt at her calling 
  26. She has the skin of an indian... She is about 20 shades darker than me year round
  27. She spends lots of money on me :)
  28. She's the safe driver in the family
  29. She occasionally tap dances with old ladies
  30. She has huge calf muscles
  31. She only drinks her diet coke in a real glass with ice
  32. and probably over 100 pairs of shoes
  33. She can be really funny 
  34. She does a pretty good job of keeping me in line whether I like it or not
  35. She loves the movie Madagascar
  36. She makes a mean cheesecake and banana bread
  37. I give her credit for most my decisions in life (like going into pharmacy)
  38. She's always right. Never bet against her.
  39. She's a big time shopper 
  40. She thinks sleeping in is 9:00 ha ha
  41. You would probably really enjoy watching her type or text (Hunt and Pecker)
  42. She loves Food Network
  43. She has a crush on Bob Harper and Chris Powell
  44. She is a to-do list queen
And there you have it! Hope 44 is your best year yet Mom! I love you!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Thankful

Right now the only thing on my mind is the good score I just got on my Molecular Biology test. I saw my score and had to recheck it 3 times. And then I didn't know if I wanted to cry or scream and jump up and down haha it was THAT exciting. And I called both my parents to tell them and neither of them answered!! I hate that class with every fiber of my being. Yes, THAT much. And I started studying for the test last night at 11:30 PM. Feeling very blessed.

Also i'm half way done to be on my way home for the weekend!
 Tomorrow afternoon can't come soon enough.
Wish I understood my chemistry material that i'm being tested on tomorrow.

But here's some happiness

  • Clean sheets and all of my laundry done
  • Received my "Pass of all Passes" for the summer! Booya!
  • Updated my calendar and all of my remaining school days fit on it. SO close to being done!
  • I'll be home from friday-tuesday
  • I have fabulous plans while I am home with friends
  • been finding some great music lately--perfect for my drive home tomorrow
  • it is SUNNY!!
  • I will be done with work in 7.5 hours
  • no molecular biology homework this weekend
  • got a letter from Zach! Him and Chris will be home in 6 and 3 months!
'Til next time my friends

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Memoriesss

I've got two memories for today. When I think of them I figure I might as well use them before I forget and never use them again...

First I will start with a shout out and story about Courtney. She is getting married this week, so happy wedding week! I'm so excited for you! We grew up 5 houses away from each other and have tons of memories but this is one of my favorites.

So the downside of having a birthday in the winter really hits you when you turn 16 and they cancel your driving test because the course has too much snow on it. So I had to wait two weeks to get my license.

It was a friday and I remember right after I got my license going straight to Courtney's house and talking to her mom about giving Court permission to ride with me even though it hadn't been six months.. But who abides by that rule anyways?

So that night there was a weber high basketball game and we wanted to go! I don't think we had been to one yet because our parents were too lazy to drive us since we lived so far away so this was our first ounce of freedom and we had to run with it!

So we go to the basketball game and the whole drive I am over cautious.. Like turning on my blinker in the turns of the canyon and everything ha ha so while at the game we find out the divide was really icy and the canyon had been closed because of an accident.

Our only hope now is Trapper's Loop. Problem number 1-- I have to get on the freeway. SCARY! and Problem number 2-- we have no idea how to get there. I've been over it plenty of times but never paid any attention on how to get there! We call our parents, pass the right exit, have to get off and turn around and head back and finally get there.

We are probably half way over the mountain when this big suburban shows up behind us. They start brighting us... I don't know why! I was going the speed limit and there were two lanes.. But they just stayed behind us and kept brighting us. Then we start thinking crazy thoughts like a serial killer show we had seen were they were being brighted because there was a murderer in their back seat that they didn't even know about!

Then we start freaking out, screaming.... I kept telling Court she had to look back there and see if someone was back there but she was too scared.. I think eventually she looked but we were still super scared! The car followed us off of Trapper's and across the spillway but luckily when we turned up Radford they didn't follow.

I remember being so scared after dropping Court off I zoomed up my driveway, shut the garage before I got out of the car and ran inside real fast. I don't think I have driven that road by myself since.. Haha

My next memory is funnier. Last summer Lindsay and I were with some friends in Springville at Alex's house. I don't remember what we were doing but I think we were bored. And Linds, Alan and I were super hungry cause we hadn't eaten yet so we went on a run to get some food. First we tried Subway even though it looked quite deserted. We drove through the drive-thru and waited for someone to talk to us when we hear this ghetto voice that said "we're closed".. haha oops ok so then we went across the street to sonic. I was driving so I was relaying everyone's order to the lady. I was in the middle of Alan's order and he asked for an extra medium drink. I mimicked exactly what he said not thinking about it and carried on without noticing that an extra medium size does not exist. I then asked the lady if they had that size and she rudely said no. hahaha I was so mad at Alan and he was rolling with laughter. That is now our inside joke and we always talk about extra medium sized things.