Long time no speak. But no worries I am back in business. First things first, I am alive. I survived a week long road trip to cali and my car is still in one piece! Quick run-down of the trip goes like this:
Friday night: Get out of work to find my car dead. Awesome. Get lost in Springville trying to find a freeway entrance cause the one in provo was wayyy backed up. Finally get on the road to St. Geezy. Arrive around 2 AM.
Saturday: Hit the road to Cali. Long, long drive. Finally arrive in Costa Mesa, CA. Get settled into our hotel. Drive around for an hour trying to find parking spots at the beach. Finally get one and find out we have to pay the parking meter. no quarters. awesome. finally we found a neighborhood and walked down a cute little side walk and down a pier and my personal favorite onto the sand to be chased by some waves. I've never been happier.
Too bad you can't see the ocean behind us.
Sunday: We woke up early and got ready in hopes of going to church. We got lost and couldn't find the church so we decided to be as spiritual as possible and go walk around the Newport Temple. Luckily when we pulled in we found this cute little church and walked on in only 15 minutes late.
Then we headed up to LA. We stopped in hollywood and joined in all the madness and then went to see the temple. We ended the night by meeting up with one of my old roommates, Lucia, who lives in LA for dinner and then went out to the famous Santa Monica Pier.
Hollywood sign
Getting ready for the Kung Fu Panda 2 premiere
Great quality pic of santa monica pier
Rolling out the red carpet
Lucia and I walking..
Monday: We headed down to San Diego and made a stop at the San Juan Capistrano Mission. My coworker mentioned this place to me and i thought it sounded pretty cool. I enjoyed it. It is like Alcatraz with the headset tour. One of 16 in california where the spanish settled when they first got to Cali.
Then we went to visit the San Diego Temple. One of my favorites. I'm tempted to get married here. Sorry mom and dad :) -Since it was monday the temple was closed so we had to stand behind the fence to get pics. Sad day.
Then we hit up a good 'ol church history tour about the Mormon Battalion. Learned a lot actually.
Then we hooked up with our friend Jenna at Hodad's for din din.
Please excuse the ghetto background. It was a last resort self timer.
Tuesday: The day of my love. Disneyland. For those that know me, you know I am a disneyland die-hard. I couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity. lines were short, temperature was perfect. nuff said.
Had to hit up my favorite Aladdin show :)
Wednesday: beach. ocean. salt water. waves. swimming. sand. sun burn. Lucia came up and watched movies with us.
Thursday: drive. drive. drive. drive. drive. home at last.
Quite eventful if i say so myself. It was so nice to get away and have time off work and have no stress. well besides keeping us alive. Farewell California, I'll see you soon.
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