Monday, December 31, 2012

2012- Where did you go??

I honestly can NOT believe it is already 2013.
Where did the time go?
 Not a whole lot happened in 2012. 
It was a pretty good year anyhow.

Here is a little update:
Turned 21.

Spent the first 3-4 months of the year recovering from knee surgery.
Which included a lot of sitting on my butt, stuck in my apartment.
 And being handicap was really fun..

I went and saw Jimmer play at the ESA twice this year!
once with Jeff, Sharon and Bryce
and once with my sister.
**Jazz won both times!
I will forever be a Jimmer lover.
I hate the kings.
They are mean to him.
But I finally got his autograph :)

I went to He is We and saw Wicked

Went to the Stadium of Fire and saw The Beach Boys and Scotty McCreery 
 Reunited with Freshman friends who got home from missions
 Left my ward and two favorite boys after 2 years
  Spent lots of fun times with Van and moved in together
 Moved out of the Bran---I HATE moving.

 Experienced my first Strawberries and Cream at Strawberry Days

Family road tripped it to Yosemite National Park in Cali

and it was beautiful!

Went to South Carolina to see my best friend get married!

 Hosted a killer Halloween party

Finished semester #7, my hardest yet, and applied for Graduation!
And spent my Christmas break at home!

I can't complain too much about 2012! But I know that 2013 has some big things in store for me so I couldn't be more excited!


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