Today I have hit a wall. I suppose it has been building for quite awhile now, but today I hit it head on. 3 papers to write (by tomorrow), New Testament test to study for (by tomorrow), 6 marriage prep readings (by tomorrow), Marriage prep test to study for (by wednesday), Cleaning checks on tuesday, work= tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, stress of a new, demanding church calling in which I feel completely inadequate and unqualified. And this is just half of what needs to be done this week. Needless to say it will be a WEEK OF DEATH!!! To top it all off, I have no motivation. I am feeling lazy. I just wanna take a 5 minute break to breathe. Squeeze in a 30 minute nap. Read a book (other than stupid textbooks).
On the other hand, wasn't conference great? I loved it. I love our living prophet! I had two things hit me during conference that really impressed me and made me think.
1. President Monson's talk about gratitude. Being grateful, especially for our special relationships with others and expressing gratitude.
In response to this, I have created a blog to act as my gratitude journal. This way I can recognize something everyday that I am truly grateful for. You can check it out at ...
2. I picked up a theme from conference dealing with the prophet. Being obedient to the prophet, the living prophet is more important than prophets that have already passed away, and sustaining and supporting our church leaders.
I thought a lot about this and decided that a way for me to better support and sustain the prophet would be to get to know him better so it is easier for me to be obedient. So I purchased this book and started reading it.. and it is AMAZING so far. And I am only on page 10. I highly recommend it.
Mel Mel, don't stress! Keep your head up and stay positive. You can do it! You are wonder woman!