Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cripple child.

My days are now mine. Kind of.
I have one more final.
I'm taking it on friday...
Why, you ask?
Because I can.

Can you believe Christmas is in like almost a week?
I'm so excited! 
I can't wait to go home and see christmas trees!
I don't feel like it is Christmas at all.
NO snow.. which i am not complaining about.
no decorations... we are too cheap.

Well this week has been interesting.
First I took 3 finals on monday. 
I was on campus for over 12 hours.
It was brutal.
Here's Sharon and I "studying" in the library.

We can't be quiet in a place that demands quietness..

We lose it everytime someone walks by... but honestly what would
you do if you walked past a cubicle in the library and saw that?

Next item of business ...
will be quite a big one.
My knee dislocations are coming to an end.
Surgery on the 27th.
straight-leg brace
and crutches
for who knows how long.

That means no driving...
So if you want to see my face over Christmas break
you have to come to me.
I'll probably be stationed on the couch
reading Harry Potter or
watching Modern Family.

I'm officially handicap until March 13th :)
I think I'm going to have quite the battle wounds after this ..
Good thing my shaving scars are minimal.
My poor right leg.
I'm glad I had some anatomy knowledge when the doc
was telling me what he was gonna do to my leg.
Are you curious?

well here are my knees...
(I stole my x-rays)

So my patellas (knee caps) are supposed to fit into those indents..
He said this was some sort of disease?
So he is going to cut out my tibial tuberosity 
(where my tendon that holds my knee in place attaches to my tibia)
and move it to a different part of my bone and screw it in
with two GIANT screws..
Then he tightens something and releases something else and then
my knee is fixed. 
My right knee is the only one I have problems with luckily. 

This should be quite the adventure.
Good thing for handicap parking..
Too bad for a class down at the bottom of a giant flight of stairs.

On a happy note.
I got to go to see Voice Male last night.
I love them, they are so great.
If you don't know who they are
Check them out!

back to studying.....

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