#9 BYU 71
#4 SDSU 58
Best game of my life. Here's my story:
12:00 AM Parker and I arrive at the Marriott Center to begin our wait in line for wristbands into the game! only about 10 other people there.
2:00-11:00AM we FREEZE our butts off. Miserable? yes. Bored? yes.
11:00 - 12:45 PM we get cut, budged, pushed, smashed, and down right ROBBED of our places in line.
#12 in line say hello to wristband #630 . GRRRRR stupid people
1:00-10:00 PM I take a nap, shower, etc. trying to recover from my still frozen toes and my lack of sleep
sleep time.
7:30 AM wake up
9:00-1:30 PM go to work. Pump my boss up for the game.
2:00-3:00 PM go to class. Organic Chemistry. Yuck.
3:15-6:00 PM wait outside the Marriott in MORE lines. Meet more cutters. GRRRRR I am FURIOUS by now. PEOPLE STOP STEALING MY GOOD SEATS PLEASEEEEEE!
6:30 PM enjoy a nice, special show by the one and only TJ FREDETTE. Yeah boiii
8:15-10:15 PM observe a miracle. nuff said.
Thank you Cougars. You never fail me. I'm proud to call you mine! The atmosphere of the game was absolutely amazing. SO SO loud. I was screaming as loud as I could and I could not hear myself. yeah, that loud! Enjoy some highlights from the game!! P.S. Pardon my screechy singing of the school song, all of my screaming, and my unsteady hand... I was a little excited. haha
Our Awesome posters:
Beautiful score when we started to take the lead
My favorite part!
Hahaha a kid in my ward found this on Deseret News.. embarrassing.
My face says it all. I wasn't happy.
I stole the next few from offline
and this.... would be my lover.
And this is the kind of welcome Jimmer gets for warm-ups