Saturday, January 29, 2011


 January 26, 2011

#9 BYU 71
#4 SDSU 58

Best game of my life. Here's my story:

12:00 AM  Parker and I arrive at the Marriott Center to begin our wait in line for wristbands into the game! only about 10 other people there.

2:00-11:00AM we FREEZE our butts off. Miserable? yes. Bored? yes.

11:00 - 12:45 PM we get cut, budged, pushed, smashed, and down right ROBBED of our places in line.
#12 in line say hello to wristband #630 . GRRRRR stupid people

1:00-10:00 PM I take a nap, shower, etc. trying to recover from my still frozen toes and my lack of sleep

sleep time.

7:30 AM wake up

9:00-1:30 PM go to work. Pump my boss up for the game.

2:00-3:00 PM go to class. Organic Chemistry. Yuck.

3:15-6:00 PM wait outside the Marriott in MORE lines. Meet more cutters. GRRRRR I am FURIOUS by now. PEOPLE STOP STEALING MY GOOD SEATS PLEASEEEEEE!

6:30 PM enjoy a nice, special show by the one and only TJ FREDETTE. Yeah boiii

6:45-8:15 PM wait anxiously for the game to start!! Tired. Hungry. Nervous.

8:15-10:15 PM observe a miracle. nuff said.

Thank you Cougars. You never fail me. I'm proud to call you mine! The atmosphere of the game was absolutely amazing. SO SO loud. I was screaming as loud as I could and I could not hear myself. yeah, that loud! Enjoy some highlights from the game!! P.S. Pardon my screechy singing of the school song, all of my screaming, and my unsteady hand... I was a little excited. haha

Our Awesome posters:

 Beautiful score when we started to take the lead
My favorite part!

 Hahaha a kid in my ward found this on Deseret News.. embarrassing.
My face says it all. I wasn't happy.
 I stole the next few from offline

 and this.... would be my lover.

And this is the kind of welcome Jimmer gets for warm-ups


Maybe next time BYU will rethink their stupid line method. Well they better or they WILL be hearing from me. But this game will go down in history. That is for sure. And I was apart of it. Love BYU.

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