Friday, September 2, 2011

Death might find me.

Well the time has come. The semester is fully underway. I like my classes. That's a first. They are hard. That is not a first. But this is probably my hardest semester yet. I take that probably back. It IS the hardest semester yet. Two words.
Human Anatomy.
love it. SO MUCH. 
Yet it will also be the death of me. 
learned 117 terms in one day of class. 
6 days to learn and memorize before quiz. 
not awesome.

I have been such a good student so far. i'm so proud of myself haha I have done all of my assigned reading for all my classes. (except chemistry-who am i kidding) haha.

But working isn't being the most fun thing of my life. Get a load of my thursdays:

work: 9-1:30
class: 2-8

yes. an 11 straight hour day of garbage.
I wasn't mentally nor physically prepared for that. (You can feel bad for me)

I've been in bed before 12 every night this week. That in and of itself is saying something! I don't even know the last time that happened. Probably sophomore year of high school or something ha ha I have been exhausted this week.  But all I gotta say is bring it on!!!

Stoked for this 3 day weekend! Relaxation. and Anatomy. ha

We have a tradition already started that makes me so happy. Wednesday bowling night!! The bowling alley up the street is wonderful wednesday night or something like that ha. Shoes and a game of bowling for $2.70. Dats right. And our boys are funny. Very interesting victory dances we have. Or they do I should say. I will post pics after next weeks adventure. I am improving. I am still the worst. Ha averaging about an 85 .. Better than 40 I always say. 

I'm starting a new project. I found this while blog stalking. Project 365. I will take 1 picture EVERY day. No matter what it is. It will have some sort of significance to me/life/what i'm doing/etc.. I will try posting them all. Maybe not daily but we'll see. I will start today, but these are not my pics for the day since I took them on sunday.

Also I locked my keys in my car at the cemetery. Awkward. Thank heavens for Hide-A-Key.. and for searching under my car in a skirt. Awkward again. ha ha

1 comment:

  1. death will not find you. you can do it this semester, because you don't have good ole' brinz there to distract you. i love this so much though, please blog so i can read it whenever i am depressed in cold lonely logan. I love the gerb daisy. so cute. love you love you love you
