Sunday, September 4, 2011

missin me some missionaries..

I can't wait for next year when all of my freshman friends that are on missions right now will be back. They are all so great and I miss them so much. Today I remembered this video and couldn't stop laughing. The one singing was my first home teacher. Man these boys were so fun to play with! Thank you Ryan, Ethan, and Alex.

Only Sharon will appreciate this, but I'm also missing my FHE brothers. Mainly Logan and James! So many memories! Racing home from Roller Blading and having MeMe get pulled over, asking and answering to the dance, and of course the dance itself. Even giving poor Logie a goose-egg for church the next day. Ha poor kid. That was the best night ever. 

Logie and I. (Ha I look asian)

And last but not least. Of course, my zachary and christopher. Both kicking butts on their missions right now, both serving as zone leaders, and most importantly both are on the down hill. I can't wait for them to be back cause they both suck at writing letters. 


  1. OH MY GOSHHH!!!!! How could I forget about the creeper song??!! I love this post more than you know!! Dang you've got to miss the good 'ole days!!! What a blast we had.

  2. bahahahah I had to watch it again and post! please think of when they did this and showed it to us.. WE DIED and I just did again LOL!
