Monday, January 9, 2012


Well I suppose I will give you all an update on my leg since I have nothing else I can do...

First I will explain surgery. I have been asked a lot lately about what exactly I had done. Everyone just assumes ACL repair but... not even close.

So my procedure was called a medial reef, lateral release, tibial tubercle transfer. They scoped me like an ACL repair so they could release the tendons and ligaments on the lateral side and then they tightened the tendons and ligaments on the medial side. Then they went in and cut out my tibial tubercle (a bumpy chunk of bone) and moved it over and screwed that chunk of bone back in with two big screws.

Tomorrow it will have been 2 weeks. I can't believe it has only been that long! It has felt like years!

What started out looking like this:

 Has turned into looking like this:

Not too bad considering last weeks pictures! I think it has healed up quite nicely.  I do still have a lot of awful bruising though. ..

But that will go away soon enough. 
While doing my exercises I can bend my knee to a 90 degree angle for a few seconds. Even though it hurts like no other I'm still proud of myself!
That is my leg bended if you can't tell.

My leg is definitely getting stronger. I can do all of my exercises except one.... and that one is kind of an important one... I have no quad muscle control. I can't lift my leg up. Or lower it. Or anything. I can do side leg lifts and back leg lifts but that is all. I have to walk down the wall to try and get my knee to 90 degrees and that is the worst pain of all. But I feel like I am progressing pretty well despite two close calls on the stairs today! I even took 3 steps without my crutches :)

I never thought I would have to reteach myself how to use my muscles or walk for that matter. 

I start real physical therapy tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

Love, Your Cripple

1 comment:

  1. oh my! That's horrible. But someday, I'm sure it'll make for a great story.
    talk in church maybe?
