Friday, December 31, 2010

Days 12-15

Day 12- Something you are OCD about

I hate to admit it... But i am a tad OCD about a few things. First and foremost the microwave. When I see that the microwave has extra time on it I can't help but clear the time off... It bothers me so badly ha ha. Also, drawers not being shut all of the way. And money in the register MUST be facing the same direction.. ha ha when I am working the front I can't not organize it. And even numbers. I LOVE even numbers.. but i just have problems with odd numbers. I think they are ugly and they really bug me. ha ha  Thats all i can think about right now.

Day 13- A fictional book

One of my favorite books is the secret journal of Brett Colton and ALSO the kind of sequel called When the Bough Breaks. Read them. NOW.


Day 14- A non-fictional book

I don't think I have really ever read a non-fictional book. besides like biographies for elementary book reports ha ha but currently I am still reading this and love it

Day 15- Your dream house

hmmm.. this is something I can honestly say I haven't ever really thought about. I would love something like this...

But I also wouldn't mind something nice and simple. 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Days 6-11

Day 6 - 20 of your favorite things

A free day with nothing to do, a short shift at work, religion classes at BYU, getting a letter from a missionary, seeing a long lost friend, swedish fish, laughing really hard, snickers, inside jokes, a sunny day, vacations, finishing something I have been working on for a long time, hearing my favorite song on the radio, puzzle time with my roomies, driving the Ogden Canyon, the finished product of cleaning my bedroom, hearing from my family without me having to call them, looking at pictures are remembering the memories behind them, playing the piano for ME and not for my calling, gerber daises.

Day 7- A picture that makes you happy

I have a few...

Day 8- a picture that makes you sad

I miss my best friends

Day 9- A picture that you took

Day 10- A picture of  you from 10 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have such a thing on my computer ha ha so 5 years will have to work. Here I am, age 15, first time behind the wheel, braces and all..

Day 11- A Picture of you recently 

Days 1-5

Day 1 – your favorite songOh man... This is a tough one. I am such a music listener. But it is always different music. I would have to say that my top three are Amazed by Lonestar, Shine by The Morning Of, and Then by Brad Paisley. But I have LOTS of favorites!
Day 2 – your favorite movie
This again is a hard decision. I am a movie buff. Nothing better than being lazy after work and just popping in a movie. I would have to say that my two favorites are A League of Their Own, and The Parent Trap-the lindsay lohan version
Day 3 – your favorite television program
I am a reality TV lover. So you think you can dance, bachelor or bachelorette, Survivor, Dancing with the stars, you name it, I am obsessed! But currently it is GLEE. You can hate and judge all you want but I love it.
Day 4 – your favorite book
Honestly I am not really a reader. I have read Twilight of course and I love it. I love the Book of Mormon. But a book I remember absolutely loving is the Count of Monte Cristo. I love the movie but the book is better. I recommend it :)
Day 5 – your favorite quote
"He can only guide our Footsteps when we move our Feet." -Marion G. Romney


It is official... I am running out of things to blog about. I just don't have too much going on right now in life. I held out as long as possible, but it looks like 30 day challenge here i come. I will try to complete this in a week hopefully. I don't want to drag on too long.. but prepare to learn a lot about me real quick like :)

Day 1 – your favorite song
Day 2 – your favorite movie
Day 3 – your favorite television program
Day 4 – your favorite book
Day 5 – your favorite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 – my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a youtube video
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reliving the past

Everytime I take the freeway exit 343 titled "21st street", a feeling of peace and familiarity overwhelms me.

A sigh of relief as I drive past my own "road markers" such as the Ogden temple and the Ogden cemetery. I am getting closer. 

Soon I enter the Ogden Canyon. The twists and turns, still second nature to me, SCREAM home. Almost there.

Then the sight of Pineview, driving across the spillway, and turning into Radford Hills makes me want to jump with excitement (most the time because i REALLY have to pee by this point ha ha)

And then I see it. 857 Yacht Club Drive

The land of 745. A combination of numbers could not make me as happy as that one.

There is just something about home.

The noises.
Hearing a GARAGE open.
The sound of my cute kitty's bell around his neck.
My parents nagging at me to help out around the house (something I definitely don't miss haha).
The sound of my brother picking on my sister.
The beeping of the washer and dryer at the end of a cycle.
The sound of the TV
Opening the garage door and hearing the driveway heater on--because we actually GET snow here....unlike provo
Hearing a phone ring throughout the WHOLE house.
But most of all, the silence. No busy streets or honking horns. No girls running and screaming in the stairwell. But quietness. Solitude. Just me and my family. 

My nice, big, warm bed. A beautiful piano at my fingertips that i could play all day if my family allowed it. Food made for me. A room that is actually DARK at night (stupid light in my stairwell needs to be removed). My view of this....

 or this....

The emotions that flood through me as I drive over the pass to North Ogden and drive by Weber High or down Washington are endless. So many memories. So many moments that I would love to relive just to remember them better. But for now at least they are captured. They are saved in my almost conscience. Just filed a ways back now in my box of memories. Grateful for those times, those friends, and those experiences which I won't be forgetting anytime soon, but also grateful to be making new ones. 

Don't get me wrong, I love Provo. LOVE it! It is where I belong at this point. But tonight made me remember. Remember the past. Remember those moments. Remember the people that I love and miss. But most of all just made me grateful for the memories and the friendships that I have made up to this point of my life. Grateful for that safe haven I have to return to.

I LOVE home and I'm sad I must leave it so soon.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sweet freedom

Some lyrics from one of my favorite Kenny Chesney songs, but currently the words ringing through my head over and over again.

Finals are OVER!!!!

and i don't feel half bad about them... I feel complete. Sure I probably could have studied a little bit more, but who couldn't right?

My break starts NOW. And I couldn't be happier. Well actually that is a lie. If i didn't have to work and I could go home right now then I would be happier, unfortunately I can't go home til next thursday. But I must say it will be a good break for me. A much needed break. This will be the longest break from school that I have had since last Christmas break... Dang. Just the sound of that reminds me how absolutely exhausted I am. School is wearing me out. Unfortunately I will be saying the same thing this time next year because say hello to summer school once again : ) The sad thing is, summer school is not helping me graduate any earlier. Instead it is just taking out excess time that I would have to be in school completing my nasty pre-reqs for "farm school", yes. That is what I have decided to call it. 

I also officially have the house to myself starting tonight at 11 pm. YEAH BOIII. So if anyone wants to come visit, spend the night, etc, I have plenty of beds (Thanks Linds and Sharon ; )) So come play with me cause I will be here til Thursday night. 

Can't believe Christmas is next week! So excited! I can't wait to go home and spend some time with my family! (Probably the most time since last Christmas) and my little Gilby of course! 

Love you all!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Never again....

will i have a class at 8 am.

I said that last year after having one class at 8 but this semester I thought I be an awesome student and wake up early so i had an 8 am class EVERY morning... No.


I refuse.
No matter how awesome it is to get home from school early.
No matter how nice my availability is for work.
No matter how many times my parents tell me I will only be productive if i wake up that early (sorry mom)

I have too horrible of sleeping habits to be able to wake up that early and be happy about it. I will not torture my self. ever again. SO GLAD CLASS IS OVER!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dear Mr.

Nasty Sore Throat i feel coming on....

Please leave.
Please don't come back.
I have other things to be doing rather than being miserably sick
Thank you.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Home SWEET Home

Here I sit.
In my ice cold, lonely apartment.
5 pairs of socks on + the Uggs
Sweats and wrapped in 2 blankets
all by myself.

I just got back from spending the holiday at home. I wouldn't be here if i didn't have to work tomorrow morning. Yep. Good ol black friday. Fortunately it should pretty entertaining to watch greedy mad shoppers from the pharmacy.  It shouldn't be too busy.

We haven't had the heat on since everyone has been gone. Which was yesterday morning mind you. And it is an ice chamber in here. And that is saying something. If you know me, I am rarely cold. I am usually the one that my roommates are yelling at because I turn on the AC when it is freezing outside. I  like sleeping when it is nice and cold and i get to wrap up in my covers. It feels nice. I can't sleep when it is too hot. But tonight is another story... Tonight i am PLEADING for warmth. I am tempted to go drive around in my car  just to feel some heat.

On the other hand. Today (up until now) has been perfect. I was so lucky to go home last night and spend some time with my family. I haven't been home in almost 2 months and it was a much needed trip. I wish I could've stayed longer.

Thanksgiving is such a peaceful day. I've been thinking a lot about what I am grateful for, so here is a little list...

my amazing family
A WARM apartment
the best roommates
a killer job
my co-workers
great friends-both old and new
 the cutest cat alive
the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ
My Savior
the atonement
a living prophet
The Book of Mormon
Books i like to read (twilight series, Hazardous Duty series, church books)
movies i enjoy watching (A league of their own, parent trap, My sister's keeper)
a working car
higher education-no matter how badly I hate school
the gift of life
church leaders
good health
byu athletics
worthy priesthood holders
a temple up the street
my bishopbric-both home and in my singles ward
my calling-even though i dread it weekly
the pioneers
Joseph Smith
religion classes at BYU
Christmas movies, music, season, etc.
a bed
high school diploma
TV shows i love (glee, sytycd, american idol, survivor)

My list could go on and on... but that is what my gratitude blog is for :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Who wants to know the fastest way to break 5 pretzels?

Well my best friend can show you.........

Sorry, I don't know how to turn it..... And sorry it is so shaky. I was still laughing my head off from the first time I caught him doing this... It was classic. I had to make a movie out of it.

Also, many of you may know the famous Miranda from youtube.. yeah well Park likes to imitate her. Here is her modeling walk.

Once again I am sorry I don't know how to turn it. .. sorry. But as you can tell I definitely have the best friday night entertainment anyone could ask for. Thank. you. Parker.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My deepest apologies...

Dearest Aggie fans. I really do love you, but i really dislike your school. to this day I still get a crack out of the fact that USU thinks that they are rivals with BYU.. Like it makes for the biggest game of their season.. Well the truth is, hardly anyone at BYU even knows you exist, let alone think you are our rivals. Too bad poor Tai Wesley had to foul out.. I'm truly sorry about your loss last night. Actually no.. i'm not. What an awesome game!! And definitely my favorite poster of the game went like this..... "You stormed the field?? We were 1-4." Hahaha I laughed so hard when I saw that. BUT. It was such an awesome game. I will admit that I love utah state because it brought me two of my best friends. Emily and Shelby- I LOVE YOU!! It was so good seeing you!! I miss you tons!!!

Anyways, on a lighter note.... My wonderful mother just sent me the pictures from long ago that I said I would post.. So here they are :)

 World's best b-day present ever!

Market Street Grill.. YUM

Just got done with baptisms-don't judge the nappy wet hair

My brother is a garganture. 

I have the best brother. He is such a stud! 

My amazing parents

Did I say he is the cutest cat in the world? Well.... he is. 

There is my cute family. And my cute cat, Gilbert. Hope you enjoyed the pics!! Love you all! Have a great day!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Never Assume

I have had many instances where I have very brutally learned to never assume. However I think this experience tops all...

For those of you that don't know, I am the ward pianist in my singles ward. Not my most favorite calling but I am learning to love it and be friends with it.

Also in my singles ward there is a boy named Bob*. He is my love. SO cute.

Last saturday I am walking home from the byu football game and he is a couple people in front of me. He turns around and says hi. leaves his roommate. walks around a big group of people to come talk to me. GAAAA

Later that night I was on my way to Maceys with Parker and Sharon and Nick. While pulling in the parking lot, I see Bob and his roommate walking to their car. I try rolling down my window.. not fast enough. So i decide it is too late to say hi..(Can't act too obsessed with him). While we are getting out of the car Parker thinks its funny to embarrass me and he yells BOB really loud. So i am forced to put my arm up and wave at him and act like it was me. He walks about 100 feet towards me to talk to me. Cute right? He totally could have just waved and left. Well atleast that is what Sharon and I concluded. They ask if they will see us at church the next day.. oh will they ever.

Sunday morning we had choir practice. Then I had to play the prelude before sacrament. Unfortunately Bob wasn't there yet so I couldn't go sit by him. Him and Joseph* (his roommate) usually sit on the opposite side of the room than the piano so we are never able to talk to them.

Well I am playing the prelude and I see Joseph sitting in their normal seats and he looks really cute. So i mouth to Sharon, who is sitting in front of the piano to look at Joseph cause he looks cute.  Then right before sacrament starts Bob walks in. Goes up and talks to Joseph and then they start walking down the stairs and TOWARDS the piano. I was dying. They both sat right in front of the piano. The row in front of Sharon and I. Sharon and I made immediate eye contact. I FREAKED. I was super giddy!! So giddy that I am smiling so big and laughing. Laughing really hard. Not a good combo with the piano.. I butchered the opening song. embarrassing. but i was laughing the whole time. and only sharon knew why.

Then about 10 minutes later I realize that they are sitting in the exact place that the sacrament passers usually sit. hmmmm. there are 2 other boys sitting by them... DANG. instant heartbreak. They only moved over by us cause they had to pass the sacrament. then after they were done they went right back over to their usual seats.

Assumption FAILED. how embarrassing.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent

Lazy Days and Winter Haze

I love Sundays. Especially when I have nothing to do. Today Sharon and I went to ward choir practice and then I played in sacrament, the choir sang, and the talks were great. I really love my ward. After church my roommates and I had nothing to do. We seriously all sat in the family room for hours. We varied in activities from reading books, watching old tv show episodes, napping, pondering, etc. After so long I couldn't take it anymore and I needed to go on a drive. Sharon and I drove to Springville and back and then drove up to the temple and sat there for a while. Later I went on a much needed walk by myself after it started snowing...  I came in dripping wet. But I wasn't cold at all. I love when that happens. I really love being outside in the rain and snow as long as I am not cold. The rest of the night I have honestly done absolutely nothing. and i love it. I love days where I have absolutely nothing to do! Those days come very rarely with my job. But when I have them, I seize the day!!

Random picture of the day:

Back then...... life was so simple. And I was so happy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The turkey is on its way

As Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, I have been thinking about what I am grateful for in my life. I now realize how lucky I have been up until know to spend the holidays with my family. This year is going to be a little different with my demanding work schedule. Unfortunately my time with my family will be limited, but I am looking forward to what I will get.

After reflecting on my life to this point I have had a lot of people, places, things and moments be very influential in my life. They have made me who I am today.

I am grateful for these people: 

 I'm grateful for these moments:

I'm grateful for these places:

 I'm grateful for these memories:

I could probably go on for days about all of the things I am grateful for. But most of all.... My family, My friends, and My religion. I would be lost without the three. i love you all.