Thursday, November 17, 2011

Better Late than Never


Isn't he precious?

My cute little/ginormous brother turned 17 two weeks ago. I don't know how that happened, I feel like I was 17 yesterday! He received a new Green Bay tie from the sister. He better wear it weekly till the season is over. Anyways here is a little show out to the bro and 17 facts you may or may not know about him.

  1. He's 6'4. 
  2. He plays basketball at Weber High
  3. He's had more health problems than anyone in the family
  4. He misses me.
  5. He hates everything that foams.... soap, toothpaste, whip cream, etc.
  6. He's the trouble maker of the family--just ask my mom about her Porsche
  7. He loves to tease. Especially the little one...Porgner. (Who he used to call moron. ha ha)
  8. He would watch Ferris Buhler's Day Off daily if he could.
  9. He likes weird TV shows, especially anything on the Discovery Channel
  10. He will wake up at any hour of the morning to play video games.
  11. When he was little he could build anything and everything out of lincoln logs and k*nex
  12. He is a BYU/JAZZ/PACKER lover.
  13. He's an artist. He's got artwork framed and hanging all over his bedroom.
  14. He's excited to serve a mission
  15. He's shy, quiet, and unsociable. 
  16. He brings out the teenager in my dad
  17. He's funny!
I could go on and on... Hope your day was special Maser! You're my FAVORITE brother! Love you tons!

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