Sunday, November 6, 2011


Currently I am in love with:

They have this deal right now where you pay 8 dollars and you get 30 days of unlimited movies.
Awesome right?
So of course I am set on getting my moneys worth.
I think Sharon and I have watched a movie nightly since.
SO... I need some good movies to rent. Give me some ideas people!

So far we have watched:
winnie the pooh
cars 2
water for elephants
absolutely, maybe

Also... of course i'm counting down for THIS movie to come out.
10 days? Perfect.

AND. best news of all. I am FREE Dec. 22-31. I think that is the longest I've had off from work since I got the job. Sweet Freedom. I can't wait.

And. my next semester sucks. hello 18 credits.

P.S. please leave me your addresses so i can write some of you notes aka christmas cards. 
Thanks :)

1 comment:

  1. 679 E. 600 N. Apt. 3
    Logan, UT 84321
    That will count for me Shelbs and Em :)

    I can't wait for Breaking Dawn!! Too bad we are not waiting 12 hours in line together haha love you and need to see you soon! Glad you have a break during Christmas time... GNOSO starfishing? yes!
